
Alternativní postup místo instalátoru

V případě, že by vám instalátor Java-Training_setup.exe nešel spustit, můžete použít manuální instalaci rozbalením archívu s programy.

  1. Download the installation archive Java-Training.7z

  2. Find the downloaded Java-Training.7z (probably in Downloads), open using right click and choose 7-Zip -> Open archive

  3. Click the "Extract" button.

  4. Extract the archive to C:\Java-Training\. This path is mandatory. It is necessary to have at least 4 GB free space on C: drive. If you don't have enough space, erase some redundant files. Good candidates are in the Downloads folder.

  5. Close 7-Zip after extraction.

  6. Check that you have extracted archive correctly: You should have C:\Java-Training\Projects\DemoWebApplication on the C: drive after successful extraction.

  7. There is a shortcut to IntelliJ IDEA editor in C:\Java-Training\IntelliJ-Ultimate. We recommend copying it to your desktop.

  8. Installation is finished.

Follow on to test the installed software.